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Market Size of E- Commerce in Pakistan

In the past few years, the e-commerce sector has witnessed a commendable surge in growth. This is mainly attributed to the rising number of internet users around the world and the commendable popularity of online shopping. Moreover, the recent pandemic has further catalyzed this trend, with people being forced to adapt to a digital lifestyle, including online education, remote work, and virtual grocery shopping. Consequently, there has been an unprecedented demand for online marketplaces, making it an opportune time for businesses to venture into this realm.

Over the course of the last three years, the e-commerce market in Pakistan has experienced a commendable growth rate of 30-35%. Experts predict that this upward trend is likely to continue, indicating a promising future for the Pakistani e-commerce industry.

Popular E- Commerce Trends In Pakistan

To effectively establish and grow your online business in Pakistan, it is crucial to stay informed about the latest developments and updates. Keeping abreast of the prevailing market conditions will enable you to launch and run a thriving online enterprise with ease.

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